Commodore LenkeDear SYC Friends, The weather in July has been amazing. I guess we were due since June was somewhat wet and overcast but June can be that way in the Pacific Northwest. I recovered fully from pneumonia and was energized for the opportunity to be outdoors and boating with many of you. The month of July kicked off with the Family Cruise. Brenda and I were able to host the event and it was so fun seeing all the little kids interacting and playing together. The event was held at Roche Harbor. We had 12 boats, 22 kids, and 35 moms, dads, grandmas, and grandpas making for an incredible weekend. Saturday was filled with field games, pool time, a fishing competition, and arts and crafts. Suzy Budinger and Kathy Scammell hosted breakfast each morning and Becky Irish provided lunches. We had a BBQ Saturday evening followed by a fun movie for all. Red Vines were a huge hit! The engines on our boat barely had time to cool down and we headed out to Cap Sante for the Wine and Dine. I think the final count was 28 boats with another great weekend of weather. Skagit Valley Winery hosted the wine tasting. They had a delicious rose, a Viognier, a Malbec, and Cabernet Sauvignon. The winetasting was followed by a delicious Hawaiian themed dinner. Our hosts prepared 100+ chicken, pineapple, and peppered skewers! Jeannie Saether came around with a huge pitcher of Cosmo’s that didn’t last long. Thank you to Jame and Wendy for spearheading the event and all the volunteers that helped make it a success. As I write this newsletter, we are preparing to head out to Telegraph Harbour. At present it looks like we will have about 18 boats for this international rendezvous. August 16-18 is the Sucia event. No one has stepped forward to host or cohost the event. With the lack of a host, we will consider it a no host event and do a potluck on Saturday night. I have reserved the cabana at Fossil Bay. If someone wishes to step forward and take on the responsibility, they can certainly change the event as they wish. I appreciate input from our membership, so, if you have something to share, please reach out to me and share your thoughts or ideas. Sincerely Yours, SYC Commodore Greg Lenke - Serenity Vice Commodore Clawson
Rear Commodore JensenWith so much happening during these busy months, it’s easy to forget about the little things that can make your boating adventures much safer for you and your loved ones this summer. We should all take a moment to ensure that our safety items are all as they should be and fully functional. Fire extinguisher, smoke alarm batteries, distress signals, navigation lights, radar, throwable life rings and their weathered lines, AED battery function test and pads expire dates, handheld radios charged / ditch bags, etc.…. Are just a few of the dozens of things to assess. Did you remember to restock those fuel filters that you last used? Do you have spare steering fluid to replace what was lost from that little leak that suddenly appeared? As many folks are venturing out deeper in the islands and into Canada, it is likely that they will be anchoring out more and possibly even rafting boats together. Will you be the anchor vessel? Is all your ground tackle up to snuff? Has your anchor swivel been inspected? What about the chain link attached to the swivel? Is that last link getting worn thin and needing to be cut out of the chain for a stronger connection? What about your windlass? Does it spin freely when manually released? What about your electronics? Have your firmware and software updates been completed? Are your chart subscriptions current? Does your insurance cover you in the areas you plan to explore? You all get the idea… Taking 30 minutes to assess the little and often overlooked things can potentially make a huge difference in your boating experience. I hope you find this helpful and as always, Happy Boating. I look forward to seeing you all on the next adventure! Aaron Jensen, Rear Commodore *Notice From Officers and Directors*Join our fantastic board! Secretary needed from now until November (or longer)! We want to thank the club for the love and generosity you showed us after our tragic event. Overwhelmed is the only way to describe how we have felt at the outpouring of support from the club and the La Conner community. We are so grateful that we are a part of this incredible community. Upcoming EventsSucia Island: August 16-18We are still in need of hosts for this event. Please contact Greg if you wish to help host. This event can be as low key or elaborate as you wish. Labor Day Roundup at Hunter Bay: |
OFFICERS Tyler Clawson Commodore Aaron Jensen Vice Commodore Jame Witzel Rear Commodore Greg Lenke Past Commodore Katie Reading Secretary Kara Moore Treasurer Dale Miller Port Captain Ronda Clawson Fleet Medical Officer DIRECTORS Brent Malone Dockmaster John Krogmann Facilities Vickie Birney Membership OPEN Communications Dick Hunter Reciprocity OPEN Web Content COMMITTEES Jane Mitchell Clubhouse Rentals Wendy Britt Advertising Janine Bombach Yearbook Janine Bombach Ship Store Sue Krogmann Photography Frank and Teresa Campbell Boating Family 2025 |