Commodore LenkeDear SYC Friends, As we near the end of summer, I am somewhat saddened that the long summer days of sunshine and warmth will be coming to an end. The rendezvous to Telegraph Harbor was so much fun. I think the final count was 19 boats that made it across the border. We had terrific weather the entire weekend and on Friday night, we were entertained by an Elvis impersonator. At the end of the rendezvous, some of us headed south while others headed north to parts unknown. I'm happy to say all of those who made the trip North returned safely, which is the most important thing. To fit a little more into our schedule, we were asked by Brenda’s sister and brother-in-law to take a cruise to Alaska. We traveled on the Discovery Princess which is a huge ship. We departed on June 3 from Seattle and the entire week was full of sunshine. The crew told us that we had the best weather they had experienced in a long time. The scenery was amazing with the ship making stops in Juneau, Skagway, Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, and a final stop in Victoria. I have traveled to Southeast Alaska many times for work; but Brenda, my sister-in-law, and brother-in-law had never seen any of that beautiful country. I started feeling a little pukey on Thursday with a sore throat. By the time we disembarked, Brenda and her sister were not feeling well, and my brother-in-law had a runny nose. Yep, you guessed correctly, we had all contracted Covid. I guess we will rename it the Covid Cruise. There were 3800 people + 1800 crew on the ship, I wonder how many didn’t contract Covid? Haha. This meant we were not able to attend the Rendezvous at Sucia Island... I understood that there were only eight boats that made it there. The attendance was rather poor considering the past few years have had 20+ boats. I have appointed a nominating committee to recommend two positions that need to be filled on the Board. We need a Secretary and a Rear Commodore. We will be losing Rebecca Irish as Treasurer (Becky, thank you for your many years of service) and Amy Roosa as Membership Director (many thanks also to you Amy for all your service) ... The good news is that Kara Moore has volunteered to take over the Treasurer position and Vickie Birney has volunteered to be the Membership Director. The weather in September is generally good for boating! We have the Past Commodore’s Salmon barbecue on September 14 at 5 P.M. for meet and greet with dinner around 6 P.M. We hope to see many of you at the barbecue. Jerry will be sending out more information soon. September 20-22 is the SYC Oyster Run. It will be at Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes and is a no host event so please make your moorage reservations directly with Amanda at the Cap Sante Marina office. Brenda and I want to thank all of you for your understanding and support throughout this year as I’ve had several medical issues (certainly unplanned). We have worked hard to carry out our responsibilities to SYC and I hope we haven’t disappointed anyone. I appreciate input from our membership so, if you have something to share, please reach out to me and share your thoughts or ideas. Sincerely Yours, Greg Lenke - SYC Commodore Vice Commodore ClawsonHello SYC Members, It has been another great month of boating. The Sucia turnout was smaller than usual but we had a fabulous time. There were eight SYC boats on the small dock. Some of us bounced on and off the dock with the low tide and we had a heck of a thunder and lightning storm Saturday night. There was great food and fellowship. Thank you to Ray and Lisa Graham for bringing the pizza oven and all the fixings to the Sucia party. We also celebrated Jim Neal’s birthday. As always, keep an eye on the weather, particularly the wind. Looking forward to a fun end of the year for our amazing club and superstar members! Cheers, Vice Commodore Tyler Clawson Rear Commodore Jensen
Although similarly exposed like Eagle Harbor, Pelican Beach, and Cypress Head, this area provides good protection from North, South and West winds. Although there are no mooring balls here, we found the bottom to have great holding power for anchoring. Depths vary but 10 ft to 30 ft is average. If anyone is looking for a new location to try, this might be a great option! If you have any questions, please reach out and I’ll do my best to answer them. Cheers SYC Friends! Aaron Jensen - Rear Commodore 🗣️Important Notice From Officers and Directors🗣️Upcoming EventsPast Commodore's BBQ: |
OFFICERS Tyler Clawson Commodore Aaron Jensen Vice Commodore Jame Witzel Rear Commodore Greg Lenke Past Commodore Katie Reading Secretary Kara Moore Treasurer Dale Miller Port Captain Ronda Clawson Fleet Medical Officer DIRECTORS Brent Malone Dockmaster John Krogmann Facilities Vickie Birney Membership OPEN Communications Dick Hunter Reciprocity OPEN Web Content COMMITTEES Jane Mitchell Clubhouse Rentals Wendy Britt Advertising Janine Bombach Yearbook Janine Bombach Ship Store Sue Krogmann Photography Frank and Teresa Campbell Boating Family 2025 |