Commodore LenkeDear SYC Friends, The first major storm of the winter blew through the Pacific Northwest with a vengeance. No wait, it’s not winter yet. There were more than 500,000 Puget Sound Energy customers without power. As I’m writing this newsletter, the aftermath of hurricane Helene is still felt by many. It’s hard to imagine there are still those without power four weeks later. My heart goes out to those people who continue to suffer. It seems somewhat funny to think that in two months I will be turning over my responsibilities as Commodore to Tyler Clawson. In some ways it has been a long year, but on the other hand it has gone by much more quickly than we anticipated. The year has brought both ups and downs but the memory of Brenda being the First Lady and my tenure as your Commodore will always remain in our hearts and memories. I feel extremely fortunate to have had such a great leadership team to work with this year and I feel even more confident that Swinomish Yacht Club is moving forward in a good way. For those of you that were not able to attend the Fall Meeting. in addition, to Tyler moving up to Commodore of the Fleet, Aaron Jensen will become Vice Commodore. The membership approved Jame Witzel as the new Rear Commodore. Katie Reading will be the new Secretary, Kara Moore will be the new Treasurer, and Vickie Birney will oversee New Members. The remaining slate of Officers and Directors will remain the same. We do have open positions for Communications Director and Web Content Director. I wish to thank those that are coming off the board for all your hard work and dedication. Congratulations to Teresa and Frank Campbell on being named “The Boating Family of the Year.” As a reminder, decorating for the Christmas parade will be on December 8 starting at 9:30 AM. Yes, this is a Sunday. We have the clubhouse rented out on December 6 and 7th. I encourage any questions and appreciate the input from our membership, so, if you have something to share, please reach out to me and share your thoughts or ideas. Sincerely Yours, SYC Commodore Greg Lenke-Serenity Vice Commodore ClawsonHello SYC members, Here we are at the end of 2024 – time sure flies when you’re out on the water having fun! I want to extend a big thank you to Greg and Brenda Lenke as Commodore and First Lady for their leadership and involvement this year. You have captained us with courage and determination, and we appreciate all of the time and energy that you poured into our club and your responsibilities. 2024 has been a great year at SYC, and we salute you, Commodore Lenke! Aarrgh! Ronda and I are eagerly anticipating 2025 and we look forward to another great year at SYC! It goes without saying that our club is fantastic, but it is fantastic because of our fun-loving, dedicated members who jump in to help or host events. We would like to thank everyone who helped or hosted an event in 2024! We look forward to a great lineup of events in 2025, and we encourage each of you to think about how you can help or host an event in the coming year. It takes the entire crew working together throughout the year to support our club and to make events fun and memorable. We hope you’ll join our crew! Looking forward to Njoy-ing More with you in 2025, Tyler Clawson - SYC Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Jensen**The Shadows of Sucia Island: Pirates, Smugglers, and the Dark Tide** Yep, we all know our own Sucia Island as a prime boating destination and SYC gathering spot, but did you know its history carries darker, more adventurous chapters involving pirates and modern-day smugglers? In the 19th century, Sucia Island's remote location and maze of rocky inlets made it a strategic hideaway for pirates. The island, with its natural caves and secluded coves, provided an ideal base for raiders preying on ships navigating the Strait of Juan de Fuca and surrounding waters. Pirates would often lie in wait, ambushing merchant vessels carrying valuable furs, timber, or other trade goods. Its proximity to British Columbia also made it a strategic point for illicit trading across the Canadian border. By the early 20th century, with organized piracy fading, Sucia’s reputation for illegal activities persisted in a new form—rum-running during Prohibition. Smugglers used the island’s isolated shores to secretly transport alcohol from Canada into the U.S., evading Coast Guard patrols. These small-time operations transformed into bigger enterprises as Prohibition continued, with well-armed boats racing through the fog and night to avoid detection. Fast forward to the late 20th century, and Sucia Island's remoteness once again attracted illicit activity. This time, it was drug runners who took advantage of the island's secluded geography. Using high-speed boats and knowledge of the local waters, smugglers brought illegal drugs from Canada into the U.S. during the height of cross-border narcotics trade in the 1980s and 1990s. Law enforcement agencies eventually cracked down on these operations, but Sucia Island retained its reputation as a place where, for centuries, shady dealings had occurred just beneath the surface of the picturesque surroundings. Today, Sucia Island is an amazing SYC destination, and its lawless past is all but forgotten, replaced by campers, hikers, and boaters enjoying its natural beauty. However, for those in the know, the island’s rich history as a pirate haven and smuggling route adds an intriguing layer to its scenic allure. Aaron Jensen - SYC Rear Commodore New Members: Want to see your friend's name here?? If so, Please send them to From Officers and Directors:CONTACT INFORMATION: Now is the time to update your address, phone numbers (cell & home), and you email addresses (for publication and our club emails). If changes are needed, please reach out to Jame Witzel to update this information! How To Check Out Our Members Only Section:Go to & click on "Members Only" From here you can view photos, newsletters, the calendar, our current bylaws, job descriptions for our Board positions, reciprocal information, and information on how to get SYC swag. COMING SOON: Our Online Directory will be accessible from here too! Clicking on this will give you access to the Board Meeting Minutes, Information on how to host an event or order a new burgee, and information from past presentations. Upcoming Events:Click below to see all of our upcoming SYC events and make sure to RSVP!
OFFICERS Tyler Clawson Commodore Aaron Jensen Vice Commodore Jame Witzel Rear Commodore Greg Lenke Past Commodore Katie Reading Secretary Kara Moore Treasurer Dale Miller Port Captain Ronda Clawson Fleet Medical Officer DIRECTORS Brent Malone Dockmaster John Krogmann Facilities Vickie Birney Membership OPEN Communications Dick Hunter Reciprocity OPEN Web Content COMMITTEES Jane Mitchell Clubhouse Rentals Wendy Britt Advertising Janine Bombach Yearbook Janine Bombach Ship Store Sue Krogmann Photography Frank and Teresa Campbell Boating Family 2025 |