Happy New Year from Brenda and Greg! I wish to thank the membership of Swinomish Yacht Club for giving me the honor and privilege of being Commodore for 2024. I hope to meet the standard and leadership which proceeded my tenure. It is a large responsibility. Brenda and I are excited about our new role. Jerry and Tracy Carr were excellent examples of good leadership. Again, thank you to the both you! With 2023 behind us we cannot forget all that we faced and hopefully we have grown stronger and healthier from and because of the challenge we had. It feels so strange becoming Commodore and not having my son-in-law, Russ, here to help and support us. I know that he’s looking down with a big smile, that he always had on his face, and is giving me support from above. Brenda and I are anxiously anticipating the Commodore Ball on January 20. We have been kept in the dark with regard to, the theme of the event. I know Jerry and Tracy will knock it out of the “Park”. You will notice that the hardwood floors in the clubhouse have been redone. Jerry, they look beautiful! I’m still making changes to the calendar. It has been a few years since we had a rendezvous outside of the US. I am working with the ownership of Telegraph Harbour B.C. and have confirmed a Swinomish Yacht Club rendezvous for July 26-28. We have moved the Sucia Island rendezvous to August 16-18, 2024. You will also note on the calendar, a new event, the Sweethearts Dinner. I’m hoping that this will be an ongoing event to show appreciation to our wives or significant others. The guys will be taking on the responsibility of decorating as well as serving the ladies a five-star dinner. I will be reaching out to a few of you to be the committee to organize this event. The club calendar is posted on our website, as well as the SYC Dinghy Dock Facebook Group. There are numerous events that need a host/hostess for the event; but remember that you can co-host with one or more other couples. The teamwork approach is part of SYC’s success. Hosting the event doesn’t mean you’re burdened with all of the responsibilities; it only means that you will be driving the ship and have many others to help you along the way. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or one of the other board members, who can give you additional insight. We have a new Director of Membership. Thank you, Mo Olason, for your work the past year. We are excited to have Amy Roosa as the new Director of Membership. She has held the position in the past and the transition should be very smooth. We hope that our membership will continue to grow and if any of you have friends (boaters), clearly make them aware of our club. I am looking forward to serving you as Commodore. AGAIN HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Best Regards, Greg Lenke, '24 Commodore Serenity Hello and Happy New Year SYC from your Rear Commodore! It’s 2024 and it’s an absolute privilege to take on this new role as Rear Commodore of this great club. The New Year’s Eve party was a huge success due the many folks that helped make it happen. I look forward to another incredible year of SYC adventures. First, I want to be sure and thank our past Commodore Jerry for all that he has done for us over the years and setting the bar high for Commodore Greg Lenke, whom I know is very much up to the task! I wish for everyone to have a safe and fun filled boating year with all the events he has put forth in his calendar. Second thing I want to mention is our first aid, CPR and AED course. A big shout out of thanks for Ronda, our Medical Officer, in helping coordinate, organize and schedule the event for nearly 30 people! Ronda has also provided the club with a thorough med kit for our events and updated our SYC AED with the new battery and pads. It is now permanently mounted in a proper cabinet at the clubhouse right beside the first aid supply box and coat rack. Please check it out but don’t press any buttons! I know we have a few boats with AED’s onboard at events ie…. Paradiso, FishTales for sure and others I can’t recall at the moment. Third item, it’s my turn to host the Club House Clean Up on April 6th, along with scheduling Safety inspections through the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Continental Breakfast is at 830a.m. and we plan to start clean up at 9a.m…. … Followed by lunch at high noon….. We never go hungry!!! I will provide a specific time for the Safety inspections once I coordinate with CGA. Let me know by email, text or Dinghy Dock if you have any questions. If you plan to attend or bring certain supplies to take care of certain big projects, let us know what you have so we are properly prepared. I will work with Facilities, John Krogmann, to identify what needs attention and send out a notice of items requested at a later date. Third item, the official theme for the 2024 Christmas Parade will be “Jingle Bell Rock”! In closing, you’re all an amazing group and I am truly honored to be a part of it. Aaron Jensen, '24 Rear Commodore Stehekin password is all lowercase: cruisesyc To sync SYC Annual Calendar with your personal Google Calendar, go to the bottom right corner of the grid and click on the blue + sign Register for the January Safety Course: $50 cash/check per person
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OFFICERS Tyler Clawson Commodore Aaron Jensen Vice Commodore Jame Witzel Rear Commodore Greg Lenke Past Commodore Katie Reading Secretary Kara Moore Treasurer Dale Miller Port Captain Ronda Clawson Fleet Medical Officer DIRECTORS Brent Malone Dockmaster John Krogmann Facilities Vickie Birney Membership OPEN Communications Dick Hunter Reciprocity OPEN Web Content COMMITTEES Jane Mitchell Clubhouse Rentals Wendy Britt Advertising Janine Bombach Yearbook Janine Bombach Ship Store Sue Krogmann Photography Frank and Teresa Campbell Boating Family 2025 |